Nov. & Dec. – Updates
Senate Bill Filed
Senator Victor Torres filed the National Popular Vote bill. It is assigned SB584 for the 2022 Florida Legislative session that starts January 11 and runs through March 11. It’s been assigned to 3 Senate committees: Ethics and Elections, Judiciary, Rules.
Representative Joseph Geller filed the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact for the 2022 Legislative Session. House Bill #69 is assigned to both the Public Integrity and Elections Committee and the Judiciary Committee.
Click on any of these links and you can view the members of that specific committee. We appreciate your help in contacting your legislator and requesting a hearing of the bill. If you need a subject matter expert, reach out to us at and we will assist you in any way we can.
Successful Michael Steele Events
Michael Steele sold out three venues: The Forum Club of Palm Beach, The League of Women Voters Palm Beach County’s Warriors and Heroes VIP Reception and the Florida Atlantic University Department of Political Science OLLI auditorium.
He repeated his motto, “I am an American, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order” throughout his presentations. Mr. Steele’s comments were welcomed by all. He truly exemplifies the leadership we want and need.
For Michael Steele’s interview with The Palm Beach Post, click here.
Pictured below: Representative Joseph Geller, LWV FL President Cecile Scoon, LWV PBC Kathi Gundlach, Floridians for NPV Chair Kathleen Crampton
Floridians for NPV Team Below: Kathleen Crampton, Tracey Wiseman, Deb Mazzaferro, Cynthia Archbold, Angie Wegner, with the Honorable Michael Steele at the Forum Club of Palm Beach
The Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA) recently added the following paragraph to its official platform statement, under the heading of Defending Democracy.
- Electoral College Reform: The current Electoral College system can result in the unjust election of a president opposed by a majority of the American people. Since elimination of the Electoral College would require a Constitutional amendment, we support the adoption of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact by as many states as necessary, which provides that upon adoption by states whose electoral votes total at least 270, the states in the Compact would agree to cast their electoral votes for the presidential candidate receiving the most popular votes nationally, irrespective of the results in their particular state.
The founder and Chair of JDCA is Ron Klein, a former member Florida House of Representatives (1992-1996), a former member and Democratic leader of the Florida Senate (1996-2006), and a former member of the House of Representatives (2006-2010) from Florida’s 22nd congressional district (Broward and Palm Beach Counties). He is currently a partner at the law firm of Holland & Knight.