May 2024 – Update
Maine Passes the National Popular Vote
Joining 17 other jurisdictions, Maine’s legislators passed the National Popular Vote Compact in April 2024 with bi-partisan support.
Maine first introduced the NPV bill in 2006 when it was a completely new concept for “one person, one vote”. Persistence finally paid off.
Connecticut passed NPV in May 2018, Oregon in June 2019, Colorado in December 2020 Minnesota passed it in the spring of 2023.
When enough states that hold 270 Electors pass NPV, the law will elect the president by the total of the national vote in all 50 states. The goal is “Every Vote Equal”. No blue states, no red states, no battleground states.
The Harvard Kennedy School for Democratic Governance and Innovation on the Electoral College
Why it’s Important to Vote!
It’s 2024 and it’s all about the presidential election. Floridians for National Popular Vote wants to encourage everyone to get out and vote. We continue to advocate for one person, one vote. All elections matter. The bigger the turnout, the more faith we can have that the majority have spoken.
A large turnout means more votes down ballot and a better chance of all people being represented.
Here are some resources:
Why Vote
League of Women Voters Voting Guides Closer to the election, your local LWV will have details about your local candidates if they respond to the surveys sent.
Five Reasons You Should Vote
National Geographic, Why Voting is Important
An Orange County Women’s Club sponsored a 5th-grade writing contest about voting. One child got right down to the heart of the matter of voting: “If you’re young, you get one vote. If you’re old, you get one vote, if you’re rich, you get one vote; if you’re poor, you get one vote.”